Thursday, August 30, 2012


Here's some commissions I've been working on over the last few weeks.

This was a logo design for a good friend of mine. I sketched it in pencil first, then did the final piece in Illustrator CS4

WIP of a full color commission I'm working on. Hopefully I'll have it finished today!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sailor Kathy!

Just another Sailor Scout drawing, this time my friend's original character! The colors were chosen from an outfit her character wears, the pose from a classic Sailor Venus picture. This was a LOT of fun to do, hahah! There will be plenty more of these "Your Character as a Sailor Scout" drawings!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Art Dump!

Oh man, I've been pretty bad about keeping this place updated. I'm hoping to fix that, starting today! Here, have a bunch of art I've been doing over the last few months XD

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA/PIPA... Do not want! And why you shouldn't want them either

You know, I don't like to get involved in politics, but sometimes you HAVE TO. These SOPA & PIPA bills are insane & will affect EVERYONE who uses the internet. Even if you're like me & prefer to keep out of politics, this is important. I've found all these links today alone from what friends have posted on Facebook.

Here, educate yourself !

Song about SOPA/PIPA

A blog on Reddit explains SOPA/PIPA

Google explains SOPA/PIPA

A really good video explaining the bills & why they're so bad for lovers of the internet. This video is one of the best out of all these links, imo. It gives a short, concise explanation of what's going on &how it will affect you. Even if you don't read through all these other links I've posted, at least watch this. It's only 4 minutes long.

If you don't want to call or write a letter yourself to your representatives, here's an easy alternative to still make your voice heard

Here's a PDF file showing a current list of companies all over the US opposing the bill

Another simple way to let Obama know you're against this bill!

Yet another site to sign so people know just how ridiculous we all think this bill is.

The guy who created SOPA doesn't even follow his own rules.

Srsly guys, even if you're not into politics, this is a really important thing to get involved in. EVERYONE will be affected by these bills, no matter how little or how much you do online. Don't let these bills pass! Call your representatives today, or write them, or simply sign one of the many petitions out there, some of which I've linked to here.

Together, we can stop SOPA/PIPA from being passed.